I'm trying to get a consensus opinion -so far, some input suggests it will work fine, but I'd like a few more opinions before I commit -) So, question is, those of you running bigger cams or cams with tight LSA an low vacuum (10hg or less).if you have a TH350, is it working and what did you do? That said, I see thread after thread where people have similar cams, even the same one.are they just burning up their TH350? Is TCI wrong and 9" of vacuum will work? (testing agrees with them though). BUT while not a daily driver, my Corvette is a frequent driver and It needs to work right, I don't want to fool with manual shifting or feathering the gas to keep it in 3rd. SO as I sat fuming in the garage.Cam A started staring at me, and taunting me.if it would work right, I'd install Cam A, complete the engine this weekend and be done. I also hate buying two of something, and changing plans. Yes.that's right, I paid for overnight shipping, only to get a cam that has, on every lobe, a small round "flat spot" - sometimes on a ramp, sometimes on the nose, but every lobe had the same defect, all in a row along the cam. Biggest difference is that Cam B provides 15-17"hg vacuum at idle.or it would if it wasn't defective. similar basic specs, but a wider 110 LSA and HP / Torque were within the same basic range. SO! after much hand wringing, I finally buckled and ordered Cam B. I ordered a supposed "low vacuum signal" modulator that should work at 12 -15hg, but that's still much higher than the best 9" I could expect from Cam A. Even with the adjustable vacuum modulator adjusted all the way (including actually removing the screw) it takes at least 15" hg to get the plunger to move. I was reading the instructions on my new TCI street-fighter transmission, and my plan fell apart - apparently I need at least 12" hg to activate the vacuum modulator. I chose a cam for my new engine (we'll call it Cam A) and knowing it would, at best, only pull around 9" hg at idle, I also bought a vacuum pump and can for the brakes, etc. I've started a project to replace my stock l48 in my 78 Corvette and I thought I had everything researched properly. My basic question is: Does anyone run a cam with a low vacuum signal at idle (10"hg +/-) and still use a TH350 transmission in stock configuration, and if so, how is it working for you? I'm using a new Th350 "streetfighter" from TCI. Hello folks - First a big thank you for all the help, I've been picking tips out of these forums for a while, so thanks.