The combined powers of all three still cannot defeat The Dragon King. Finally, putting thoughts of battle aside, Raiden awakens, and a new alliance forms between the three of them. Shang Tsung, recovering from the battle, joins in, but they still cannot defeat The Dragon King. Quan Chi attacks The Dragon King, but is not powerful enough.

When it appears that Quan Chi is victorious, the true ruler of Outworld returns, The Dragon King. With a zest for power and suspicion arising, Shang Tsung and Quan Chi then turn on each other, wanting Earthrealm for themselves. When it seems that Raiden is about to finish off the two enemies, they rebound and he is defeated. In a final battle, Raiden fights Shang Tsung and Quan Chi, the two founders of the Deadly Alliance. Raiden, the god of thunder, is the only fighter left standing between Shang Tsung and his takeover of Earthrealm.

Mortal Kombat: Deception is the second next-generation Mortal Kombat game, and the twelfth in the series. Menus and gameplay are in Multi-5 (English, French, German, Italian & Spanish) voices in English.