Fs global real weather demo
Fs global real weather demo

PS: I don't see the jump to v5 worth the immediate loss of my current addons. I truly don't like to think about the $ I have spent, but it is, after all, a hobby. Lastly, I have ORBX base sceneries and many addon areas and airports, as well. such as airline and airport filters, weather overlays and 6 different maps. It is a lot, and more than you asked, but this works well, for me. The Airnav Edge - Real-time flight tracking with one of the best and most. I also use PMDG 737NGXu and 747-400/8 QOTSII (w/ their respective FS2Crew), along with Navigraph manual up-to-date download database installs for AS, Carenado, Simbrief and PMDG. I almost never see visual artifacts, I don't run out of memory, my video card doesn't get too hot, and crashes just simply are rare. This combination requires RAM, and a video card, but it works, and looks great with real weather. How it works for me, I pre-select the REX Sky Force textures (then close it), then start REX Environment Force (run in background), then start Active Sky, then P3D4.5 (I don't have v5). I currently use AS for weather, and REX for clouds. I know nothing of Pilots, and would be unfair to compare.

fs global real weather demo fs global real weather demo fs global real weather demo

Both have provided improved experiences with weather and clouds. The ultimate Weather Engine for FSX, Prepar3D and soon to be, others, giving you the best real weather experience in your simulator. I am a long-time user of Active Sky and REX.

Fs global real weather demo